Friday, July 10, 2015

Veeeery interesting.

oh, cool.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's over.

What a year.

Well, technically I've been at this for more than a year, but I think it was about this same time last year that I made this blog.

The ending is not here. It's on the Linchpin page. I will make no apologies for it. If you have a problem with it, I don't mind. There've got to be a few holes in the thing because 'lol soft sci-fi lol i started without the details in mind and tried to make the story fit', and I'm sure some of the logic may be messed up... or is it? Events as they understand it may not be events as they happened. Not like I care now, or anything. It's imperfect, so it's time to turn around and make something different.

If that something is anything I'd like to share with you all, I'll show it off here.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


I'm 80% done writing the ending. It's helped a lot to start at the end and work my way backwards. I predict that I have about five, maybe six more pages to write, then I'm done. Oh, and I fixed that anti-aliasing issue. Turns out my nvidia control panel couldn't save the config due to permissions.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Expect Christmas gifts.

But don't peek. It's not in the spirit of the holiday.

Sunday, September 22, 2013